Live From NSC Congress & Expo 2022 Preview

The "Live From" page features an aggregated account of show activity, as well as live multimedia reporting from the show floor.

This year at the National Safety Council’s Congress & Expo, whether you are attending the show in San Diego or not, you will be able to receive an exclusive look at what is on the show floor from the perspective of our Occupational Health & Safety staff. Our Live From NSC webpage will feature aggregated social media from personalities and brands at the show as well as live multimedia coverage from the show floor. 

By visiting and clicking on the "LIVE FROM NSC" banner at the top, readers can catch a live glimpse of the goings-on in San Diego for this year's conference. The page constantly updates a number of social media feeds, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 

Exclusive coverage at NSC by the OH&S staff will showcase new product demonstrations and interviews with Columbia Southern University, Wrangler, MAPA and Industrial Scientific. 

For more information, visit and follow the hashtag #NSCExpo for information about this year's show. 

About the Author

Sydny Shepard is the former editor of Occupational Health & Safety.


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