DOL Announces $3.2 Million in Grants for Workplace Safety

DOL Announces $3.2 Million in Grants for Workplace Safety

OSHA announced the availability of $3.2 million for Susan Harwood Workplace Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases, Including COVID-19 grants.

The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has announced the availability of $3.2 million in funds from the American Rescue Plan Act 2021 for Susan Harwood Workplace Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases, Including COVID-19 grants.

The grants are to fund training and education to help workers and employers identify and prevent work-related infectious diseases, including Covid-19. According to a press release, training topics must focus on either Covid-19 specifically or infectious diseases broadly. The maximum awarded for each grant will be $160,000 for a 12-month performance period.

OSHA explained that this funding is seperate from the fiscal year 2022 Susan Harwood training grants for Targeted Topic, Training and Educational Materials Development, and Capacity Building. Successful applicants my receive an FY 2021 and or/FY 2022 Harwood training grant and a Workplace Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases grant in the same year.

The grants will support programs that are remote and in-person for workers and employers in small businesses, industries with high injury, illness, and fatality rates; and vulnerable workers, who are underserved, have limited English proficiency, or are temporary workers.

Applicants can submit their information for the Harwood grants online no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT on May 6, 2022. Learn more here.


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