Live From NSC Day 2

Companies were back at it Tuesday, showing their products for day two. None of the vendors held back on demonstrations and engaging with others who came to their booths to glance or learn more.

Columbia Southern University’s booth was, once again, a popular place to be. Those working at the booth were genuinely excited to be there and continually informing others of their educational opportunities. Alumni, students and attendees stopped by. Even people from other booths popped in to see what all the traffic was about! Make sure to head over to CSU’s booth (2109) if you haven’t already. You can check out more information and watch a couple of detailed videos on our Twitter page.

We attended the session: OSHA’s Top 10 Most Cited Violations. We made sure to get there early to snag a seat before it became a full house. It’s no surprise “Fall Protection – General Requirements” was number one on the list. We then went to: The Biochemicals of Falls from Ladders: From Research to Fall Prevention Strategies. This session tied in to our previous one and dove deeper into OSHA’s ladder hazards that fell at number three on the list.

We also stopped by MAGID’s booth. They demonstrated and even let us try their “MAGID COOL” cloth which cools down to 60 degrees after being soaked in water, wringed out and given 30 seconds to activate. No matter what the temperature of the water it was soaked in, it worked!

OH&S is also at Safety 2021! Make sure you stop by our booth (1439) to grab the most recent edition of the magazine! If you are unable to attend the show this year, you can follow all OH&S coverage at

About the Author

Shereen Hashem is the Associate Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety magazine.


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