NSC Offers Two Options to Attend 2021 Congress & Expo

Interested in seeing what NSC's Congress & Expo has in store? You're in luck, as there are now two ways to interact with the show!

Safety professionals around the country are gearing up for the National Safety Council's 2021 Safety Congress & Expo next week. While all will be enjoying the educational technical sessions, keynotes and earned CEUs, some will be doing so from their computers at home or in their office. 

That's right, NSC will be offering two different ways to interact with the Congress & Expo this year. Attendees will have the opportunity to register for an in-person only event or a virtual live online event. Let's break down the difference between the two. 

In Person

According to the NSC registration page, an attendee who opts for the full Congress & Expo package will be granted access to three full days of education, which will include four Keynote presentations, over 80 technical sessions (with the ability to watch online up to 60 days after the event), the ability to earn CEUs or recertification credits, networking opportunities and access to the expo floor for all three days of the Congress.


For those who wish to interact with the show virtually, registration to the virtual live online only event will include access to eight live-streamed technical sessions, four live-streamed keynote sessions, 60 day on-demand access to over 80 technical sessions, and the ability to earn CEUs or recertification credits. 

Now matter how you choose to enjoy the NSC 2021 Safety Congress & Expo, we hope that you will tune in for OH&S live coverage of the event. Our team will be at the show working endlessly to bring you news straight from the show. Follow our live coverage at ohsonline.com/live.




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