Highlights at NSC's 2021 Safety Congress & Expo

Here’s the must-see items at NSC’s event in Orlando this year.

It’s that time of year again! It’s time to start creating your schedule for the 2021 NSC Safety Congress & Expo and this event is packed with plenty to do. Whether you are attending through the digital platform or in-person, there are a plethora of opportunities to network, learn and browse the safety industry’s latest innovations.

Since there is so much to sort though, we decided to highlight the top things you just could not miss at the Congress & Expo this year. Below are just a few of our recommendations for educational sessions you might be interested in sitting in on this year.

OSHA’s “Top 10”

The Top 10 reveal is back! At the Congress & Expo this year, you will be able to sit in as OSHA’s Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards list for the 2021 fiscal year is unveiled. Be sure that you are in the Valencia Ballroom at 11 AM on Tuesday, October 12 to be the first to hear this major announcement.

COVID-19’s Impact on Worker Mental Health and Well-Being: Lessons Learned and Actions for the Future

The COVID-19 pandemic had immediate impacts on the physical nature of work and the workplace – and had long-reaching, drastic impacts on worker mental health and well-being. Join a panel of speakers to learn about the short- and long-term impacts on worker mental health and substance use across the country and in the workplace.

Topics discussed will include the impacts on employer-provided benefits plans, short- and long-term disability, and how the pandemic impacted construction workers—an industry already hard-hit by substance use and mental health—who continued to work in-person throughout the pandemic.

See this session at 2:00 PM on Tuesday October 12 in Room 202 A-C.

Influencing Human Factors to Prevent Serious Injuries and Fatalities

The problem: How to influence and equip employees in the mining industry to partner with management and regulators to prevent serious injuries and fatalities. Mining is an industry in which employees are frequently exposed to very high energies in very difficult environments, and engaging all stakeholders to eliminate SIFs is of paramount importance to everyone in the chain – from shareholders to workers’ families.

This session will discuss individual behaviors and decision-making, recognizing and adjusting counterproductive cultural/organizational influences, and frontline and analytical tools that have been employed and are showing success (risk assessments, near-miss investigations and bowtie analysis).

Sit in on this session in Room 308 A-D on Monday, October 11 at 1:00 PM. 

Visit NSC’s website for more information on educational sessions at NSC’s Safety Congress & Expo.

About the Author

Sydny Shepard is the former editor of Occupational Health & Safety.


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