The AI-Driven Vision Processing Technology that Assesses Tasks in Minutes & On the Go
Capture your task risks on the go measuring what your eye can’t, then watch it automatically process and produce a detailed report evaluating exact angles of the entire body and its segments.
- By Toni-Louise Gianatti
- Aug 30, 2021
As a safety leader, what more could you want than the most convenient, easy to use tool that does all the ergo reporting for you? Sounds too good to be true? It’s not.
This innovation goes beyond a pet project for organizations investing in the safety of their workers. SoterTask is a game changing, serious initiative that will streamline and speed up ergonomic assessments.
The solution requires no special tools or sensors and can be used on the go. It is so simple; anyone can work it and furthermore presents an incredible visually pleasing interface that you’ll all be fighting to have a go. The biggest benefit? Hardly any labor required. It simply requires a video of the task to produce a beautifully presented ergonomic report displaying all potential risks with the key metrics highlighted to improve productivity, by reducing the risk factors of a task that lead to injury.
It is the added technical tool that enables objective data, rather than solely observational techniques, and provides an increased ability to help workers to stay safe.
Taking hours of work off your hands, providing detailed analysis of risk that comprises and integrates all industry ergo tools, including streamline risk comparisons for pre and post intervention implementations. Companies are describing it as “The most convenient multi pronged tool to mitigate all task risks”.
What is it exactly?
An AI-driven video processing task risk assessment tool, simple enough for anyone to use and does all the hard work for you.

Using human motion analysis, it evaluates angles or risk within any movement of the entire body or its segments. Producing ergonomic assessments, making task evaluations and workplace improvements easy and accurate.
With no preparation or special hardware required, measuring what your eye can’t see, the technology can be applied on the go. With just a one click, all outcome metrics and ergonomic data is provided and accessible for consideration on the visually pleasing online dashboard.
Easy as 123

1. Capture
You just need a mobile phone. No special equipment or sensors required. Simply take a video of a worker performing a task or even upload any preexisting videos you may have on file.
2. Process
Within a few minutes’ algorithms process the video and it is available for view on the mobile app. This presents a clear visual replacing long ergonomic reports and engages your workers to execute ergonomic technique improvements immediately.
3. Eliminate
Evaluating exact angles of the entire body and its segments, the video is automatically uploaded to a cloud-based dashboard that dives deeper into the risk analysis and produces visually pleasing accurate reports for assisting with control implementation and risk comparisons.
The outcome and improvement metrics can be continually monitored all on one platform ensuring a 360-degree view of task risks.
Innovation takes time to build and gestate –despite being all about moving fast. Over two years in the making, the multidisciplinary team at Soter Analytics’ have left no page unturned when developing this highly operative technology, keeping their focus on the usability and labor-saving features.
SoterTask, made for the commanders, works for the warriors. Task assess with confidence.
Learn more about SoterTask here.