Forming Safety Habits that Stick

Episode 92

Forming Safety Habits that Stick

Have you ever wondered why we continue to do actions even though we know they are wrong? In this episode, editor Sydny Shepard explains how habits form and how bad habits can be dismantled and rerouted.

The human brain is fascinating. The way humans think, form connections, make decisions and analyze consequences has been studied since researchers and scientists have had the ability to do so. Gaining a better understanding of cognition, or the way workers acquire knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and senses, could help you to better protect your employees through a different approach.

For the episode, editor Sydny Shepard talks all about our brains and the way they function, because understanding how the brain works can help safety professionals anticipate the moments when workers may become careless with safety procedures. Pinpointing these moments can be the difference between a healthy and safe workplace and a catastrophic incident.

Download or stream this episode today at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and more

A special thank you to the National Fire Protection Association. 

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About the Author

Sydny Shepard is the former editor of Occupational Health & Safety.


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