OSHA Releases Details on Deadly Poultry Plant Incident

Episode 87

OSHA Releases Details on Deadly Poultry Plant Incident

Six people died and 12 more were injured in a preventable incident at a poultry plant last January. In this episode, editor Sydny Shepard details OSHA's investigation and dives into workplace violence, COVID-19 vaccination mandates and more.

OSHA investigations, workplace violence and COVID-19, it’s all on the docket for today’s podcast episode. First, we dive into a recent OSHA investigation that found five companies responsible for the death of six employees and the hospitalization of over a dozen more. Find out how could this incident have been prevented.

Next, workplace violence impacts millions of Americans per year. Is your organization doing enough to protect employees?

And finally, the CDC has shifted its guidance on indoor masking yet again. What is the state of COVID-19 in American and how is that changing the outlook for the pandemic in the U.S.? Find out by downloading or streaming this episode today at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and more

A special thank you to the National Fire Protection Association. 

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About the Authors

Sydny Shepard is the former editor of Occupational Health & Safety.

Shereen Hashem is the Associate Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety magazine.


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