Pennsylvania Governor Announces $4.7 Million Grants for Worker Training

Pennsylvania Governor Announces $4.7 Million Grants for Worker Training

Gov. Tom Wolf’s PAsmart Next Generation Industry Partnership will supply 28 Pennsylvania businesses with grants to train their workers.

Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Wolf announced on Jan. 11 that $4.7 million in grants were awarded to improve workforce development in the state.

The grants were awarded through the PAsmart Next Generation Industry Partnership, a program that was created by Gov. Wolf’s administration to train and educate workers so they are able to get higher paying jobs. Gov. Wolf said in a press release that training workers has become more important due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Twenty-eight total grants were given out to businesses across the state of Pennsylvania. Healthcare Industry Partnership, Pennsylvania Steel Alliance and Transportation and Logistics Industry Partnership are three recipients of the grant.

“Programs like the Next Generation Industry Partnership are helping Pennsylvania be at the forefront of the economic changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Jennifer Berrier, Department of Labor & Industry Acting Secretary. “By aligning businesses in the same industry to create training programs, we can provide Pennsylvania workers with the skills they need for today’s job opportunities while helping multiple businesses develop a strong candidate pool.”

For more information on the PAsmart Next Generation Industry Partnership grants, visit

About the Author

Nikki Johnson-Bolden is an Associate Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety.


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