Opioid Deaths Reached Record Number, Says CDC Data

The NSC hopes that the new presidential administration will use their plan to address opioid misuse.

New CDC data shows that there were 81,230 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. from June 2019 to May 2020.

This number of deaths is the most recorded for any 12-month period. The data reports that the COVID-19 pandemic has made the drug crisis worse.

The National Safety Council (NSC) released the National Plan to Address Opioid Misuse, a document that offers recommendations on how to deal with the opioid crisis. On the heels of the CDC data, the NSC urges President-elect Biden to adopt the plan to help lower the number of deaths.

The NSC wants the new administration to explain how the pandemic response plan will address the increase in opioid use, how it will support employers as they work to prevent opioid misuse and how it will increase treatment and recovery services to underserved populations.

More information can be found at nsc.org.


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