NFPA Releases New Guide for Firefighters Based on Fire Science

A new 13-chapter document is intended to teach firefighters effective strategies for search, rescue and fire suppression.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) released NFPA 1700, a Guide for Structural Fire Fighting, on November 4.

The document, which was made by the Technical Committee on Fundamentals of Fire Control Within a Structure Utilizing Fire Dynamics, is the first from the NFPA to connect fire dynamics research to response strategy, tactics and best practices for firefighter controlling fires within a structure. It arrives after the NFPA received a request for a new standards project in 2014.

NFPA 1700 gives evidence-based recommendations based on fire investigations and dynamics to people who respond to structure fires. The guide emphasizes the importance of PPE and methodologies for contamination control.

“NFPA 1700 provides guidance for the development of structural firefighting standard operating procedures based on quantifiable research and analysis,” said Chris Dubay, P.E., NFPA vice president and chief engineer.

More information on the Guide For Structural Fire Fighting, visit

About the Author

Nikki Johnson-Bolden is an Associate Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety.


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