Most Dangerous Jobs in the Country Exist Within the Construction Industry

Despite declines in workplace injuries in recent years, the construction industry remains one of the most dangerous in America.

About half of the most dangerous jobs are in the construction field, according to a recent study by AdvisorSmith.

AdvisorSmith studied 263 professions with a minimum of 50,000 workers, then determined the 25 most dangerous after judging the number of fatalities in the professions.

Logging workers lead the list as the number one most dangerous job, being 33 times more hazardous than the others. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers, derrick operators, roofers and garbage collectors follow behind to make up the remaining top five on the list.

Though construction injuries, both fatal and nonfatal, decreased by 30% between the years of 1992 and 2015, 985 construction workers died from job-related injuries in 2015.

More information on construction worker safety can be found at

About the Author

Nikki Johnson-Bolden is an Associate Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety.


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