NSC Survey Reports Low Percentage of Drivers Following Cell Phone Use Laws

Just 62% of drivers surveyed reported that they are “very willing” to follow state cell phone laws while driving.

A survey by the National Safety Council released on October 6 reports that drivers are not able to remain disconnected from their phones while behind the wheel.

The survey, which was conducted with TRUCE software as a sponsor, questioned 2,002 registered drivers ages 25 and older. Of those surveyed, 76% said that they are “very willing” to wear a mask in public, but only 62% said that they are “very willing” to obey state law preventing cell phone use.

The results of this survey come during NSC’s Distracted Driver Awareness Month, which encourages employers to enact distracted driving policies to make up for the low percentage of employees who are willing to follow state laws. The survey also revealed that 46% of people look at their phones to read or send work emails while driving.

“As we mark the 10 year anniversary of Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we must commit to improvement – particularly with a national pandemic compounding traffic safety even further,” Lorraine M. Martin, president and CEO of the National Safety Council. “Saving lives will mean disconnecting behind the wheel once and for all so everyone can arrive at their destination safely.”

More information about Distracted Driving Awareness Month can be found at nsc.org.

About the Author

Nikki Johnson-Bolden is an Associate Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety.


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