NSC Report Highlights Weaknesses in COVID-19 Protection

The report rates states on how well they have protected residents and employees from coronavirus.

A report by the National Safety Council released on September 29 details the level of protection that states have given against COVID-19.

The State of Response: State Actions to Address the Pandemic report names 39 states as not properly protecting employees from coronavirus, giving them ratings of 'on track', 'off track' and 'lagging' to assess the safety measures they took. Only 12 states received the 'on track' rating.

Five key areas were addressed in the report to help guide businesses as they navigate the pandemic – employer guidelines, testing, mental health and substance use, contact tracing and roadway safety.

“This report is intended not as a condemnation but as a challenge to states to learn from each other and do better – and a reminder to employers that our workers are the lifeblood of our country, and their safety is paramount,” said Lorraine M. Martin, president and CEO of the National Safety Council. “By coming together, we believe states can improve overall safety and health outcomes and strengthen our economic recovery.”

Information on best practices for employers during the pandemic is available at nsc.org.

About the Author

Nikki Johnson-Bolden is an Associate Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety.


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