National Safety Stand-Down Postponed Due to COVID-19

This week’s National Safety Stand-Down week for construction fall hazards is postponed due to COVID-19.

This week was supposed to be OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down week—intended to raise awareness about fall hazards in construction. With the global pandemic right now, OSHA has decided to postpone the week and reschedule later in the summer.

This is OSHA’s seventh consecutive year for National Safety Stand-Down week, and reason is merited. Every year, fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be the leading cause of death for construction employees, accounting for 320 of the 1,008 construction fatalities recorded in 2018.

As of right now, all of the rules and conditions for the Stand-Down week remain unchanged and will be encouraged when OSHA declares a new week to recognize it. Until then, continue ensuring worker safety in the construction industry. Watch OSHA’s video on five steps for preventing workplace falls:


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