Using Contextual Intelligence To Promote Workplace Success
How TRUCE Software and Contextual Mobile Device Management Can Improve Safety and Productivity
Mobile devices have fundamentally changed the work environment across a wide range of industries over the past decade. Smart devices assist companies with capturing and managing data to streamline and optimize their operations, and smartphones have become a primary communication tool and an essential resource for employees to quickly complete tasks from anywhere, at any time. The productivity gains from mobile devices are without parallel, but the ‘always-on’ culture that has surfaced from increased usage presents definite challenges. The reality is that the continuous dings, pings and chirps from automated alerts and apps keep employees in a perpetual state of engagement, while potentially disengaging them from moments that require their focus.
In today’s tech-driven society, personal and professional lives have seamlessly blended as the use of smart devices has become a resource at work and a source of entertainment. In short, the devices that make us more productive can also be a significant distraction, creating safety challenges and hindering productivity and efficient time management. Establishing and enforcing the right policies to manage mobile device usage at the workplace has become an ongoing challenge for many. According to a study commissioned by TRUCE Software, most employers admit that their current mobile device usage policies don’t meet their safety or productivity needs. In fact, 82% say their companies have experienced negative business consequences as a result of their policies, and their inability to consistently enforce them, everything from increased safety concerns to growing employee dissatisfaction and turnover.
Managing the usage of mobile devices in the workplace doesn’t have to be an invasive practice or carry a negative connotation, and it certainly doesn’t need to rely on antiquated, unenforceable and often ignored policies. Contrary to popular belief, most employees are actually okay with mobile policies that manage device access at work, as long as they don’t hinder their ability to get their jobs done or infringe on their lives outside of work, according to a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of TRUCE Software
It’s important to remember that mobile technology is not the enemy. When used in the right context, these devices enable and empower employees to complete important tasks and serve as a powerful enterprise tool for employers. The key, however, is context. Employers need a technology that’s just as smart as the smartphone – something that’s customizable, comprehensive and can keep up with a company’s needs as it scales. This concept is known as Contextual Mobile Device Management, or CMDM. And, unlike other mobile device safety precautions, CMDM is a preventative solution, eliminating the risky behavior rather than simply tracking or reporting it. Think of it as an automatic safety switch for a mobile device.
What is CMDM Technology?
CMDM technology manages the functionality of mobile devices in contextual “zones,” which informs acceptable use and defines intelligent usage policy. These zones may include a work vehicle, corporate board room, office space, construction site or industrial facility, for example. The CMDM platform, which lives on an employee’s mobile device through an easy-to-use app, takes the guesswork out of policy compliance like nothing else has. In simple terms, CMDM relies on contextual triggers, such as movement, proximity or even time of day, to identify when and where a mobile device is being used. Once identified, CMDM automatically adjusts the employee’s phone, temporarily blocking access to unnecessary or distracting apps while enabling company-approved applications to remain accessible.
CMDM is different from typical mobile device management platforms because its functionality is determined and configured by employers for the unique needs of their company and its employees, and because of its contextual intelligence – the technology works only when and where it matters most and doesn’t manage devices when and where it shouldn’t. Unlike more restrictive MDM policies, once an employee has exited the jobsite zone, they have full access to all applications on their device. This feature is critical in today’s workplace environments, as more and more organizations have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy in place for their employees. CMDM also alleviates any privacy concerns that employees may have regarding an employer’s access to their personal devices – the technology only manages applications and device functionality and does not access or record personal data.
Contextual policies can be seamlessly enforced from one environment to the next throughout an employee shift. For example, one implementation an organization may choose to apply is a blanketed device usage policy across the entire workplace. This policy could remove the use of social media, web browsing and game applications, but allow employees to receive and make phone calls and access approved applications that are essential to getting tasks completed. To address high-risk environments, such as construction, industrial and manufacturing worksites, companies can build additional implementations into a blanketed policy. In these high-risk zones, the policy may temporarily suspend all mobile applications while the employee remains in that particular zone (i.e., warehouses and while performing maintenance procedures) to ensure their and other employees’ safety.
CMDM ensures optimal engagement, safety and productivity in in any work environment. As an
employee moves between work environments the functionality on his/her device automatically adjusts to support the policies established for those environments. This takes the guesswork out of mobile device compliance, for both the employer and the employee, and allows employees to use their mobile devices in the right way at the right time in the right place. By not physically limiting access to devices, companies can enable their employees to adequately engage with the technology needed to complete their jobs more efficiently while combating time-consuming interruptions that compromise safety.
In today’s tech-centric world, most adults view their smart device an average of 52 times a day (according to a 2019 survey conducted by Deloitte) and don’t realize how connected they are to their device until the constant notifications are no longer there. CMDM empowers both companies and employees to confront those challenges for a safer and more productive workplace environment. As a holistic solution, CMDM helps prevent accidents resulting from the misuse of mobile devices, assists companies with maintaining positive corporate culture and reputation, and reduces liability concerns. CMDM technology isn’t about controlling end-user devices. In essence, it’s about helping companies create safer, more productive workplaces that enable their employees to work better, which can ultimately boost their bottom line.
At TRUCE™, we believe there’s a better way to leverage all a mobile device has to offer in the
workplace, while still protecting what’s most important – your employees, your assets and your IP.
Our Contextual Mobile Device Management platform provides flexible, contextual enforcement of
your mobile device policies, allowing companies to temporarily suspend or enable mobile apps and
features based on the work being performed, the work location or even the user or work group. Our
patented technology operates on both iOS and Android platforms, supporting more than 100,000
subscribers and some of the largest brands worldwide.