AIHce EXP 2020 Goes Fully Virtual

The American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo for 2020 just announced it is moving to be completely virtual and online this year.

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) announced today that the annual AIHce EXP and professional development courses (PDCs) will be offered fully virtual. The 2020 AIHce EXP was originally planned to take place in early June 2020 live in Atlanta, Georgia.

The virtual conference will take place online June 1–3, 2020, with virtual PDCs offered June 4–5 and 8–12.

AIHA and its Board of Directors made the decision based on health and safety guidance regarding COVID-19 from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other health and safety professionals.

AIHA honors the need to offer its members and customers opportunities to earn up to 19 credit hours this year to maintain their credentials. The virtual schedule will mirror the live schedule and offer five concurrent sessions from which participants may choose. Further, the new virtual program will include sessions related to pandemics and COVID-19, providing education that is contemporary and immediately implementable. Other features included in the virtual AIHce EXP 2020 are: a virtual Expo Hall, virtual Learning Pavilion sessions, a Virtual AIHF Fun Run, and topic-specific chat rooms for exhibitors to engage with virtual attendees throughout the program.

Founded in 1939, AIHA is a nonprofit organization serving professionals dedicated to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control, and confirmation of environmental stressors in or arising from the workplace that may result in injury, illness, or impairment, or affect the well-being of workers and members of the community. AIHA provides comprehensive education programs and other products and services that help its members maintain the highest professional standards. More than half of AIHA's nearly 8,500 members are Certified Industrial Hygienists, and many hold other professional designations. AIHA serves as a resource for those employed in the industrial, consulting, academic, and government sectors.

For more information on AIHce EXP 2020, please contact Sue Marchese, AIHA's managing director of marketing and communications.


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