Occupational Hearing Testing Just Got Easier with SHOEBOX Ltd.’s Service

Audiology company, SHOEBOX, just launched its reviewer service: an international network of regionally licensed audiologists offering occupational hearing testing audiological reviews.

Please see SHOEBOX Ltd.’s press release on the service, announced February 20, 2020.

SHOEBOX Ltd. launches Reviewer Service—an International Network of Regionally Licensed Audiologists Offering Occupational Hearing Testing Audiological Reviews

Customers of SHOEBOX for Occupational Hearing Testing can access the network for professional supervision, consultation, and review of annual audiograms

Destin, Florida: Today, at the National Hearing Conservation Association Annual Conference (NHCA), SHOEBOX Ltd. announced the launch of the Audiology Review Network. The Audiology Review Network is a premium new service, delivered by an international network of regionally licensed Audiologists, available to help SHOEBOX customers meet their OSHA and MSHA compliance requirements. 

The Audiology Review Network offers businesses, large and small, access to regionally licensed Occupational Audiologists who remotely access and review the audiogram, providing rapid assessment of the occupational hearing test results. The whole process is seamless and easy for the employer. 

“The SHOEBOX review process makes it easy to provide my professional recommendations in a straight-forward and effortless manner.  Paperless reviewing makes it convenient to work from anywhere. The review portal is efficient and intuitive– it was easy to use from day one!” says Annie Main, Au.D., CCC-A., CPS/A

Benefits of the Audiology Review Network include:

  • Coverage across the United States and Canada that offers comprehensive audiological services from updating baselines, to professional supervision of the hearing conservation program, to follow-up recommendations for individual employees
  • Reduced costs, time, and effort that could be spent elsewhere in the business
  • After completing a test with SHOEBOX, results instantly upload to a cloud-based application. Reviewers have access to a paperless portal, and one central source for reporting, scheduling, and audiogram review
  • One-stop, hassle-free access to a network of licensed audiologists, even if your company has locations in multiple states
  • Flexible, customized to your company’s needs, easy to implement, high-level professional services at your fingertips


The Audiology Review Network will be available starting February 20, 2019. For more information and full details, please visit




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