September Marks OSHA's Disaster Preparedness Month

OSHA’s website gives readers valuable information on how to prepare for multiple natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, and floods.

Especially in the wake of distressing news about hurricane Dorian and its dangerous elements, it’s timely to note that September is OSHA’s designated disaster preparedness month. The agency’s Emergency Preparedness and Response webpage is committed to preparing people for nature’s most powerful elements.

Emergencies can throw a huge wrench in people’s lives, not to mention workplace operations. Preparing for an emergency incident is vitally important to ensuring employees’ safety. Preparedness can involve everything from necessary equipment, knowing where to go, and knowing how to keep oneself safe. OSHA’s webpage provides information on how to prepare for, train for, and respond to emergencies and hazards.

The webpage gives readers tips on the following categories: general preparedness and response; natural disasters and weather; oil, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) incidents; disease agents and toxins; and overall resources and guides for worker safety and emergency response. It even has an Emergency Events link to keep readers updated on ongoing crises around the world.

Staying safe is truly a matter of life and death, and there is no better time to brush up on the best emergency procedures than disaster preparedness month this September. 


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