OSHA Cites Large Transit Service Provider for Safety and Health Hazards in Georgia

France-based company Transdev is facing nearly $200,000 in penalties for exposing employees to safety and health hazards.

A large international transit service company is facing $188,714 in fines after an OSHA investigation found that the business exposed employees to safety and health hazards at a Norcross, Georgia worksite, the agency announced Monday.

OSHA cited Transdev Services Inc., a France-based company that calls itself the “largest private provider of multiple modes of transport in North America,” for obstructing employee access to emergency eyewash and shower stations to minimize the effects of exposure to corrosive chemicals.

The agency said it also cited Transdev for failing to ensure the labeling of hazardous chemicals and for not properly training and evaluating forklift operators.

In addition, the company did not provide proper training on hazardous chemicals and “incipient stage” firefighting and fire extinguisher use, according to investigators. OSHA noted that it has previously cited Transdev for similar violations.

“Employers have a legal duty to continuously identify and eliminate safety and health hazards at their work sites," William Fulcher, OSHA Atlanta-East Area Director, said in a statement. "OSHA's safety and health standards are in place to ensure that employees can make it home to their families after work each day."

The company has 15 business days from its receipt of the citations to either comply, request an informal conference with the regional director or contest the findings.


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