NRC Board to Hold Hearings on Texas Storage Proposal

A Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will hear oral arguments on petitions for an adjudicatory hearing on Interim Storage Partners' license application for an interim facility to store spent nuclear fuel in Andrews County, Texas.

Midland, Texas, is the site of July 10-11 hearings when a Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board hears oral arguments on petitions for an adjudicatory hearing on Interim Storage Partners' license application for an interim facility to store spent nuclear fuel in nearby Andrews County, Texas. The arguments will be heard July 10 beginning at 9 a.m. and, if necessary, July 11, in the Commissioners' Courtroom at Midland County Courthouse, located at 500 N Loraine St. The arguments will address the standing of petitioners and the admissibility of their proposed contentions.

Three administrative judges on the board will hear arguments from representatives for these groups: Beyond Nuclear; Sierra Club; Permian Basin Land and Royalty Organization and Fasken Land and Minerals; and a coalition of Don't Waste Michigan, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Public Citizen, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition, and Leona Morgan; Interim Storage Partners; and the NRC staff.

Interim Storage Partners is a joint venture of Waste Control Specialists and Orano USA. It has applied for a license to build and operate a dry cask storage site for commercial spent nuclear fuel adjacent to the WCS low-level waste disposal facility in Andrews County.

The hearings will be open to the public, though only representatives for the petitioners, the applicant, and the NRC staff will be permitted to participate. Signs, banners, posters, demonstrations and displays will not be allowed by NRC policy.

The board's rulings may be appealed to the full commission.


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