Cannabis Edibles to Be Sold in Canada by Mid-December

A limited selection of products will appear gradually in physical or online stores no earlier than mid-December 2019, Health Canada reported. Federal license holders must provide 60 days' notice to Health Canada of their intent to sell new products.

The Canadian government is amending the Cannabis Regulations by setting out rules governing the legal production and sale of edible cannabis, cannabis extracts, and cannabis topicals, with Health Canada saying the amended regulations "seek to reduce the health risks of these cannabis products" while also providing for a diversity of cannabis products. "These products pose unique health risks, which is why we have taken the necessary time to establish appropriate safeguards," according to the agency's recent news release.

The amended regulations will take effect Oct. 17, 2019, but it will take time after that date for new cannabis products to become available for purchase. The release says a limited selection of products will appear gradually in physical or online stores no earlier than mid-December 2019.

Federal license holders must provide 60 days' notice to Health Canada of their intent to sell new products, and as with any new regulatory framework, federally licensed processors will need time to become familiar with and prepare to comply with the new rules and to produce new products. Provincially or territorially authorized distributors and retailers also will need time to purchase and obtain the new products and make them available for sale.

The agency has posted new evidence-based resources and updated content on its website to support consumers in making informed decisions about cannabis. The amended regulations will be published June 26.

"The amended regulations under the Cannabis Act will support our overarching goal of keeping cannabis out of the hands of youth and protecting Canadians by helping to mitigate the health risks posed by these new cannabis products. I encourage adult Canadians who choose to consume cannabis to remember to store it safely out of the reach of children and youth and to consult the new evidence-based resources on Health Canada's website that can support you in making informed decisions," said Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Canada's minister of Health.

"The amended regulations are the next step in our process to reduce the risks to public health and safety from edible cannabis, cannabis extracts and cannabis topicals and displace the illegal market for these products in Canada. We are committed to working closely with the provinces and territories as well as industry in the weeks ahead to prepare for effective implementation of these new regulations," added Bill Blair, minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction.


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