Michigan Counts 202 Active Medical Marijuana Licenses

The Marijuana Regulatory Agency held its first public meeting June 13 in Lansing, with agency leaders and managers presenting reports and discussing their operations. Executive Director Andrew Brisbo announced that the next three scheduled public meetings of the agency will coincide with work groups and will be held Aug. 29 in Detroit, Oct. 28 in Traverse City, and Dec. 9 in Flint.

The Marijuana Regulatory Agency held its first public meeting June 13 in Lansing, with agency leaders and managers presenting reports and discussing their operations. Executive Director Andrew Brisbo kicked off the meeting by stressing the agency's commitment to outreach, education, and collaboration, and he announced that the next three scheduled public meetings of the agency will coincide with work groups and will be held Aug. 29 in Detroit, Oct. 28 in Traverse City, and Dec. 9 in Flint.

Krista Moorman and Lindsay Russman, managers of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program Section, discussed the agency's approach to the 2008 patient/caregiver law, including the new online certification, the petition process, and the physician certification process. As of June 1, 2019, Michigan has 287,094 active patients (477 are minors) and 40,120 active caregivers.

Licensing Division Director Desmond Mitchell said the division has recently been restructured into three sections: Intake, Medical, and Adult-Use, and he said the division is currently reviewing its processes to increase efficiency, decrease processing times, and improve customer service. There have been 173 pre-qualifications and 40 state operating licenses processed since the MRA was formed on April 30, 2019. This is, on average, a 122 percent increase in pre-qualifications and a 100 percent increase in state operating licenses, compared with the previous seven months.

Brian Hanna, the Enforcement Section manager, discussed his team's responsibilities: inspections and investigations, including any changes or modifications to marijuana facilities. He reminded the public that his team has created an online map that shows all active marijuana facilities in the state. Hanna also reminded applicants and licensees that they are required to notify the MRA within one business day if they become aware of any adverse reactions to a marijuana product.

As of June 13, there were 202 active state operating licenses in the medical marijuana industry – licensees that have received agency approval, have paid their regulatory assessment, and have received their physical license.


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