The New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Safety 2019 Already Setting Records

The American Society of Safety Professionals' 58th annual conference has a record number of attendees, society officials said June 10.

NEW ORLEANS -- The American Society of Safety Professionals' 2019 Professional Development Conference and Exposition got off to a strong start June 10, with society officials saying the 58th annual conference has set a new attendance record. "Of the 5,600 safety professionals here, almost 2,000 are attending their first PDC," ASSP Chief Executive Officer Jennifer McNelly told the crowd during the opening session. (This is also the newly hired McNelly's first time to attend an ASSP PDC.)

Mary Silva, this year's PDC chair, listed the conference's highlights, including flash sessions and Think Tank Sessions in the expo hall and also networking sessions.

Outgoing ASSP President Rixio Medina, CSP, CPP, told the audience that ASSP's Seminarfest, a popular weeklong educational event, is being renamed. It will be named Safety Focus starting in 2020, he said, describing the change as the next step in advancing the society's brand, following the society's name change to ASSP from ASSE.

The aim is to demonstrate that the profession is a critical part of achieving business success, Medina said. "We're not there yet," he said, adding that OSH professionals must make the case to employers, academic, and others.


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