Louisiana's Governor Signs Firefighter PTSD Bill

SB 107 was unanimously passed in the state Legislature in late May. "This is a tremendous victory for our members in Louisiana," IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger said. "Now they can seek the treatment they need when they need it."

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signed SB 107, a bill that would add post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the list of injuries eligible for workers' compensation, into law on June 5, the IAFF reported. The bill had unanimously passed the Louisiana legislature in late May thanks to strong lobbying efforts by the Professional Fire Fighters Association of Louisiana, according to IAFF.

"This is a tremendous victory for our members in Louisiana," IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger said. "Now they can seek the treatment they need when they need it."

"PTSD manifests in many ways, from anxiety and depression to – if left untreated – death," said 14th District Vice President Danny Todd. "On behalf of the 14th District, I am proud of the tremendous effort by our PFFA leaders to get this life-saving legislation passed."

PFFA President Chad Major said testimony from firefighters and other first responders on their personal experience with PTSD helped legislators understand why they should support the bill.


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