2019 Roadway Safety Awards Applications Due May 31

The National Roadway Safety Awards program is a biennial competition sponsored by the FHWA and the foundation to recognize roadway safety achievements that move the United States toward zero deaths and serious injuries on the nation's roads.

The Roadway Safety Foundation and the Federal Highway Administration are accepting applications for the 2019 National Roadway Safety Awards, but time is short: Submissions are due at midnight Eastern time May 31.

Winners will be announced at a Capitol Hill ceremony this fall.

The National Roadway Safety Awards program is a biennial competition sponsored by the FHWA and the foundation to recognize roadway safety achievements that move the United States toward zero deaths and serious injuries on the nation's roads. The competition acknowledges successful engineering solutions that agencies have integrated into their roadway safety programs. Awards are given in two categories: Infrastructure and Operational Improvements; and Program Planning, Development, and Evaluation.

The sponsoring organizations say selected projects are included in a noteworthy practices guide so they can be replicated nationwide.

Applicants are encouraged to nominate projects or programs that exemplify innovative and effective safety activities and maximize the cost effectiveness of federal, state, local, and/or private sector funds.


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