Three Oregon OSHA Courses Now Available in Spanish

Oregon OSHA urges employers to blend the training offered by the Safety Committee Suite with policies and practices that are specific to their workplaces, noting that doing this will increase the effectiveness of the training and help ensure all requirements are met.

Oregon OSHA recently announced it has expanded its suite of free online courses for employers to train safety committee members by offering three of them in Spanish: Safety Meetings and Committees, Accident Investigation, and Hazard Identification. They're available here.

"These changes provide employers and workers with a clearinghouse of training resources designed to meet key regulatory requirements and to reach a broader audience," explained Roy Kroker, consultation and public education manager for Oregon OSHA.

Oregon OSHA urges employers to blend the training offered by the Safety Committee Suite with policies and practices that are specific to their workplaces, noting that doing this will increase the effectiveness of the training and help ensure all requirements are met. Most employers in Oregon must have a safety committee or hold safety meetings, according to the agency.

Completing the three courses that make up the suite satisfies the basic requirements for training safety committee members.

  • Accident Investigation teaches the fundamentals of conducting a workplace accident investigation, including securing the scene, collecting facts, and conducting interviews.
  • Hazard Identification walks the trainee through the types of workplace hazards, correcting hazards, conducting safety and health inspections, and writing an effective safety inspection report.
  • Safety Committees and Meetings delves into the safety committee and meeting requirements for businesses, including the number of committee members, how often to meet, and functions to perform as a committee member or while attending a meeting.

Oregon OSHA is a division of the state Department of Consumer and Business Services.


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