Maintenance Man's Death Under Investigation in Florida

The Hernando County, Florida, Sheriff's Office is investigating a Jan. 10 incident in which a man performing maintenance on a helicopter at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport was decapitated by its main rotor blades.

The Hernando County, Florida, Sheriff's Office is investigating an incident in which a man performing maintenance on a helicopter at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport was decapitated by its main rotor blades. The agency reported that deputies responded to the scene at about 3:35 p.m. Jan. 10 after receiving a call about the man's death.

The caller said he and another individual were using a power cart to jump start a helicopter when, for an unknown reason, the helicopter suddenly jerked up and then came down. That motion caused the main rotor blades to strike one of the men, who was working on the helicopter, in the head. The victim was identified as Salvatore Disi, 62.

Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis said his office was contacting the FAA and NTSB to see whether they will take over the investigation.


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