Cal/OSHA to Require Electronic Form 300As from Many Employers

The agency submitted the regulation to the state Office of Administrative Law on Oct 25; interested parties have until Oct. 30 to submit comments on it, and OAL has until Nov. 5 to review and adopt or deny the regulation.

Cal/OSHA announced it plans to issue an emergency regulation that will require certain employers to electronically submit their summary of recordable work-related injuries and illnesses for calendar year 2017 by Dec. 31, 2018. The agency submitted the regulation to the state Office of Administrative Law on Oct 25; interested parties have until Oct. 30 to submit comments on it, and OAL has until Nov. 5 to review and adopt or deny the regulation.

It would require businesses operating in California to submit Cal/OSHA Form 300A online if they have 250 or more employees, unless they're specifically exempted by section 14300.2 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. Employers with from 20 to 249 employees in numerous specific industries listed in the emergency regulation also would be required to file the form electronically.

The long list of specific industries required to file in this way includes construction, manufacturing, grocery stores, department stores, general freight trucking, urban transit systems, charter bus companies, couriers and express delivery services, warehousing and storage, general rental centers, waste collection, medical and surgical hospitals, nursing care facilities, amusement parks and arcades, RV parks, and dry cleaning and laundry services.


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