Michigan OSHA Offers $250,000 in Workplace Safety Grants

The MIWISH grants are offered to employers of up to 250 employees to use in the purchasing of safety and health-related training and equipment. Employers in high hazard industries will be given preference.

The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) announced Tuesday that employers may now apply for a matching grant of up to $5,000 to improve their workplace safety and health. A total of $250,000 in funds is available as part of the MIOSHA Workplace Improvement to Safety and Health (MIWISH) grant program, which aims to create healthier and safer work environments and reduce the risks of worker injury and illness in Michigan.

The MIWISH grants are offered to employers of up to 250 employees to use in the purchasing of safety and health-related training and equipment. Employers in high hazard industries will be given preference.

“We are encouraging employers to step up workplace safety and health,” MIOSHA Director Bart Pickelman said. “With a total of $250,000 available from MIOSHA, we’re pleased to partner with employers who want to expand their safety and health programs.”

Employers must meet the following conditions to qualify for the MIWISH grant program:

  • Have 250 employees or less, company-wide.
  • Come under the jurisdiction of MIOSHA.
  • A qualified safety professional or safety committee must have conducted a site-specific evaluation justifying the equipment purchase.
  • The grant project must be consistent with the recommendations of the safety and/or health evaluation and must directly relate to improvements that will lead to a reduction in the risk of injury or disease to employees.
  • The employer must have the knowledge and experience to complete the project and must be committed to its implementation.
  • The employer must be able to match the grant money awarded and all estimated project costs must be covered.

The grant period begins October 1, 2018, and will continue until grand funding is expended. More information can be found on MIOSHA’s website.


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