Cal/OSHA Cites Outdoor Ad Company

Cal/OSHA issued three citations to Outfront Media totaling $32,435 in proposed penalties. Since 2015, the state agency has opened 11 inspections of outdoor and display advertising employers.

Cal/OSHA issued citations this month to Outfront Media, an outdoor advertising company, for serious safety violations after an employee sustained third-degree burns when a metal pole he was using to install a sign on a billboard contacted an overhead power line.

The agency reported that two workers were installing the vinyl sign on Feb. 6, using 11-foot poles to place the sign, which measured 14 feet by 48 feet. One of the poles contacted the high-voltage line nearby, causing serious burns to 25 percent of that worker's body.

"Employers must identify and evaluate all hazards in the workplace," said Cal/OSHA chief Juliann Sum. "When energized overhead lines are present, the employer must ensure that employees maintain required clearances or minimum safe distances from the overhead lines, to protect employees from electrical shock or electrocution."

Cal/OSHA issued three citations to Outfront Media totaling $32,435 in proposed penalties. Since 2015, the state agency has opened 11 inspections of outdoor and display advertising employers.


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