DoD Inspector General to Examine Open Burning of Explosives

Announced Aug. 10 on its website, the project will examine whether DoD's activities comply with relevant environmental and related laws, and also the policies used at the active sites.

The Department of Defense's Office of Inspector General announced it is investigating the military's practice of open burning and detonating hazardous explosive materials on its properties, as well as its oversight of contractors performing open burning at sites in the United States and its territories.

The IG's investigators will evaluate select active DoD ammunition plants or other facilities where open burning and open detonation are used to dispose of excess conventional ammunition and explosives. They also will collect data about inactive sites. Announced Aug. 10 on its website, the project will examine whether DoD's activities comply with relevant environmental and related laws, and also the policies used at the active sites.

The evaluation will begin in August 2018; it was initiated by a congressional request.


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