OSHA in Milwaukee Construction Project Partnership

The partners will develop safety and health training programs and procedures; identify and address common construction hazards, such as falls, electrical, silica, noise, and carbon monoxide exposure; and encourage workers to participate in employers' safety and health programs.

OSHA announced it has joined with Gilbane Building Company and the Milwaukee Building & Construction Trades Council in signing a strategic partnership to promote workers' safety and health during the construction of the Potawatomi Hotel Expansion in Milwaukee. The partners will develop safety and health training programs and procedures; identify and address common construction hazards, such as falls, electrical, silica, noise, and carbon monoxide exposure; and encourage workers to participate in employers' safety and health programs.

The partners also will conduct a job site safety orientation for workers, daily safety huddles, and weekly safety meetings.

"Our partners understand the importance of a comprehensive safety and health program in a high-hazard work environment and will mentor subcontractors who have not yet developed their own plans," OSHA Milwaukee Area Office Director Christine Zortman said.

The project is building 119 new rooms atop an existing hotel podium, expanding the kitchen area, and adding banquet and storage facilities. It is scheduled for completion in 2019.


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