CDC Preparing to Host ICEID 2018

The International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases is held every two to three years, and CDC has hosted it since 1998.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Task Force for Global Health, Inc., will host the 2018 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases later this month in Atlanta. ICEID 2018 is the 10th annual conference; it will bring together about 1,500 global scientists and public health professionals to exchange innovative research and ideas on emerging infectious diseases and ways to prevent them.

The dates are Aug. 26-29, and the facility is the Omni Hotels and Resorts CNN Center, located at 100 CNN Center.

Major topics to be presented include surveillance and outbreak response, antimicrobial resistance, genomic and molecular epidemiology, emerging vector-borne and zoonotic diseases, foodborne and waterborne illnesses, health care-associated infections, influenza and other respiratory infections, disease elimination and eradication, and challenges posed by disease threats in the United States and internationally.

The full agenda is available at

The conference is held every two to three years, and CDC has hosted it since 1998.


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