NYC Department of Buildings Seeks 2019 Energy Code Advisory Committee Members

Applications from those seeking to be considered for 2019 Energy Code Advisory Committee membership must submit a completed application no later than June 21. Residential applications are especially needed, according to the department's posted announcement.

New York City's Department of Buildings is seeking applicants from the construction, real estate, labor, architectural, and engineering communities, and other interested stakeholders, to serve on the 2019 Energy Code Advisory Committee. Applications from those seeking to be considered for committee membership must submit a completed application no later than June 21. Residential applications are especially needed, according to the department's posted announcement.

The members will help develop and review amendments to the New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC) as part of the mandated three-year code revision cycle.

Completed applications can be submitted by email to or mailed to: New York City Department of Buildings, Energy Code Unit, Attn: Committee Selection, 280 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10007.

Submission details can be found in Part F of the application. A background check will be performed by the NYC Department of Investigation for all applicants. Committee work assignments and appointments will be determined by the department and will be based on subject matter expertise. Once selected, committee members must comply with guidelines described in the 2018 Energy Code Revision Handbook.

The committee's members must be experts in the subject matters regulated by the NYCECC, which is comprised of New York City local laws and the current Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State.

According to the application, it is anticipated that the advisory committees will meet once a month for approximately three to four months.


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