Safe-in-Sound Award Partnership Expanded

The Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™ started in 2008 through a partnership of the federal agency and the National Hearing Conservation Association. Now, the partnership includes the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC).

NIOSH announced that a new partnership has expanded the reach of the Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™ that started in 2008 through a partnership of the federal agency and the National Hearing Conservation Association. Now, the partnership includes the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC).

With the award, the three partners honor those that have contributed to the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus through effective practices or innovations directed to those who are exposed to noise at work.

CAOHC was formed in the 1960s as the Intersociety Committee on Guidelines for Noise Exposure Control. "Since its formative years, the Committee encouraged the participation of multiple professional organizations with an interest in preserving the hearing of American workers. Their mission is to advance best practice in occupational hearing conservation, which is in alignment with the goals of Safe-in-Sound," NIOSH's May 29 announcement said.

It said the award "has facilitated the extension of successful hearing loss prevention activities and strategies to workers not traditionally considered in typical workplace hearing loss prevention programs (e.g. musicians, military personnel, workers in services and construction)."

The 2018 deadline for award nominations is July 13. There is a new, streamlined nomination process along with that deadline. "Consider who is striving for excellence and creating innovation in their hearing loss prevention programs in your day-to-day encounters, and send an email to to get a nomination started," the announcement said.


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