Two New Members Join NFPA Standards Council

New members Jack Poole of Poole Fire Protection Inc. and Rodger Reiswig of Johnson Controls are serving three-year terms effective Jan. 1, 2018.

The National Fire Protection Association announced March 9 that its board of directors has appointed two new members to the NFPA Standards Council: Jack Poole of Poole Fire Protection Inc. and Rodger Reiswig of Johnson Controls. They are serving three-year terms effective Jan. 1, 2018.

NFPA also announced that current members Patricia Gleason of the Safety Equipment Institute, Chad Beebe of the American Society of Healthcare Engineering, and Gary Keith of FM Global were reappointed, in each case for a second three-year term, and current member Daniel O'Connor of JENSEN HUGHES was reappointed for a two-year term extension.

Poole, PE, FSFPE, is a principal of Poole Fire Protection, Inc. in Olathe, Kansas. He graduated from the University of Maryland in 1986 with a bachelor of science degree in Fire Protection Engineering and is a registered professional engineer in fire protection, licensed in 49 states and three territories. He was a volunteer firefighter and fire marshal and currently serves as the SFPE secretary-treasurer on the board of directors. Poole is also an SFPE Fellow, serves on several NFPA technical committees, is chairman of NFPA 72 SIG-PRO and NFPA 520, serves on the Curriculum Advisory Committee, and is the chairman of the Board of Visitors for the University of Maryland's Fire Protection Engineering Department. He is currently chairman of the Oklahoma State Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology Industrial Advisory Board.

Reiswig is the global director of Industry Relations at Johnson Controls in Milwaukee. He some 31 years' experience in the fire protection industry, holds a U.S. patent for "Verbal Intelligibility Analyzer for Audio Announcement Systems" for use in emergency communication systems, and currently serves on numerous NFPA technical committees and as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Fire Protection Research Foundation. Reiswig also serves as a board member for the Center for Campus Fire Safety and is the vice-president of the Automatic Fire Alarm Association. He is the chair of the NEMA Installation Codes Committee and the vice-chair of the Electronic Security Association’s Codes and Standards Committee. Additionally he serves as a member of the ASME A17 Elevator and Escalator Safety Code, Emergency Operations Committee, and serves on ISO TC21 for Fire Alarm Systems and IEC TC 79 Security Systems and Components Committees.

The NFPA Standard Council is a 13-member body appointed by the association's board of directors. The council oversees the NFPA codes and standards making process.


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