CSB Meeting Nov. 14 on Two Macondo Blowout Recommendations
The board is scheduled to discuss changing the status of two recommendations to the Department of Interior in its 2016 final report on the Deepwater Horizon blowout and spill, as well as the status of current investigations.
Recommendations from the U.S. Chemical Safety Board following the Deepwater Horizon blowout and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 are still open. The board issued its final report in April 2016. In a Nov. 14 public meeting in Washington, D.C., the board is scheduled to vote on changing the status of two of those recommendations to the Department of Interior in the final report and what type of products it may issue if it votes to close one recommendation concerning the development of industry guidance on corporate governance.
Also on the meeting agenda are the status of current investigations, audits from the CSB inspector general, CSB’s Annual Action Plan for 2018, and other matters.
The report on the Macondo well explosion, as CSB titles it, contained recommendation to Interior's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, the American Petroleum Institute, the Ocean Energy Safety Institute, and others.
The explosion on the drilling rig killed 11 workers and triggered a major oil spill. BP eventually pleaded guilty to charges of manslaughter in connection with the explosion and oil spill and was ordered to pay criminal penalties totaling a record $4 billion.