DOT Proposes $78.88 Million in FASTLANE Small Grants to 10 Infrastructure Projects

Seven of the 10 proposed grants are targeted projects in rural areas to increase freight mobility and produce greater economic opportunities, according to DOT.

The U.S. Department of Transportation has provided a list of 10 proposed FASTLINE Small Project grant awards totaling $78.88 million to the authorizing committees of jurisdiction for a 60-day congressional review period.

Seven of the 10 proposed grants are targeted projects in rural areas to increase freight mobility and produce greater economic opportunities, according to DOT. The awards will enhance safety at more than 100 rail crossings, repair nearly 250 miles of track, and improve more than 50 rail bridges, allowing communities in Maine, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Texas access to the national freight rail network.

In total, the $78.88 million in proposed FASTLANE awards will lead to approximately $217 million in total investment in infrastructure. "Transportation is a key to accessing opportunity and improving our quality of life," said Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao. "These targeted investments will assist communities in building infrastructure systems that will improve safety for the traveling public and provide increased access to greater long-term economic opportunity."

The proposed recipients of the discretionary grants are listed here:

US 550 South Connection to US 160, La Plata County, Colorado, $12,312,886.50 - to construct a new 1.7-mile alignment of U.S. 550, connecting with U.S. 160 at the Grandview Interchange.

Taylor County Florida Competitiveness & Employment by Rail (CEBYR) Project, Taylor County, Florida, $8,671,513.50 – to rehabilitate the Georgia & Florida Railway (GFRR) including upgrades to 19 active warning public grade crossing devices, rebuilding 90 public and private grade crossing surfaces, hardening 16 bridges to support increased traffic, installing approximately 70,000 crossties, and resurfacing approximately 80 miles of railway between Foley, Fla. and Adel, Ga.

Burns Harbor: Enhanced Intermodal Facilities with Rail & Truck Marshalling Yards, Ports of Indiana, Indiana, $9,850,000 - to construct a series of efficiency-enhancing improvements that will also allow the port to increase its cargo handling capacity.

Maine Railroad Bridge Capacity Project, Maine Department of Transportation, Maine $7,890,000 - to repair and upgrade 22 rail bridges on the Madawaska Subdivision of a state-owned railway in northeastern Maine.

U.S. Highway 10 Lake Michigan Crossing Dock Facility Improvements, City of Ludington/City of Manitowoc, Mason County, Michigan and Manitowoc, Wisconsin, $5,000,000 - to replace and update the 70-year-old ferry docking and berthing facilities in Ludington, Mich., and Manitowoc, Wis.

North Central Mississippi Railway Project, North Central Mississippi Regional Railroad Authority, Mississippi, $7,540,000 - to rehabilitate an approximately 90-mile stretch of track of the Grenada Railroad between Grenada and Canton, Miss., as well as repair the Coldwater River bridge near Coldwater, Miss. 

Rogers' Rangers Bridge, State of New Hampshire, Coos County, New Hampshire and Essex County, Vermont, $5,000,000 - to replace the Rogers' Rangers Bridge that carries U.S. Route 2 over the Connecticut River between New Hampshire and Vermont.

Evans Avenue Railroad Grade Separation Improvements, City of Akron, Ohio, $5,715,600 - to conduct improvements to Evans Avenue, which currently carries approximately 4,000 vehicles per day and has two at-grade crossings with CSXT Railroad and the Akron Metro Regional Transit Authority (RTA). 

Northern Columbia Basin Rail Road Project, Port of Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington, $9,900,000 - to complete construction of the Northern Columbia Basin Rail Project. The Port of Moses Lake includes a port facility as well as the Grant County International Airport and more than 4,500 acres of industrial areas; however, it currently has no rail access. 

SORR Rehabilitation and Presidio International Rail Bridge Reconstruction, Texas Department of Transportation, West Texas, $7,000,000 - to repair the Presidio-Ojinaga International Rail Bridge and rehabilitate approximately 72 miles of the state-owned South Orient Railroad from the U.S./Mexico border to the Paisano Junction near Alpine, Texas.



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