DEKRA Seeking Safety Champion Submissions

The 2017 Awards will recognize the best projects, processes, and solutions in Germany in three categories – safety in transport, safety at work, and safety at home.

DEKRA is seeking entries for its 2017 Awards, which recognize the best projects, processes, and solutions in Germany in three categories – safety in transport, safety at work, and safety at home. The company's contest is done in partnership with WirtschaftsWoche, a leading German economics magazine. Companies and initiatives can apply until Sept. 15, 2017.

Information and application forms are available at

"DEKRA has set itself the task of creating greater safety, even in a digital world that is becoming increasingly complex," said Stefan Kölbl, chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA e.V. and DEKRA SE. "To do so, we have established a global network of expert services and laboratory facilities for the digitalized future. As the global partner for a safe world, we are seeking and providing long-term support to outstanding ideas, initiatives, and processes that help make the world a safer place."

For the DEKRA Award, a panel of internal and external experts will identify best practice projects across the country that make a sustainable contribution to improving safety among all the applications based on a list of criteria that focus on effectiveness, simplicity, efficiency, innovation, sustainability, transferability, and acceptance. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy is a patron on the award, with the award ceremony will take place Oct. 24, 2017, in Düsseldorf.

Previous winners have included companies such as Airbus, Axa, Eaton Industries, and Volkswagen.


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