ISO 45001 Standard Second Draft Approved

ASSE is the administrator of the U.S. technical advisory group that developed the U.S. position on the standard. ASSE leaders including Tom Cecich, its immediate past president, say ISO 45001 is one of the most significant occupational safety and health voluntary national consensus standards ever.

The second version of the draft international standard ISO 45001, Standard for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, has been approved, moving the standard "another big step toward publication," according to ASSE. A report on its website said the United States (through ANSI) voted in favor of the standard ("yes with comments").

ASSE is the administrator of the U.S. technical advisory group that developed the U.S. position on the standard. ASSE leaders including Tom Cecich, its immediate past president, say ISO 45001 is one of the most significant occupational safety and health voluntary national consensus standards ever.

According to ASSE, this September, ISO's PC283 committee will determine whether a final version is required. If not, the final standard is likely to be published in late 2017. If so, however, we can expect publication during the first quarter of 2018.


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