Canada Encouraging Broader Livestock Traceability

CFIA is considering changes to the Health of Animals Regulations that would require all Canadian operators of premises where livestock may be loaded or unloaded from a vehicle to have a valid premises identification number for each site and to report the number when receiving livestock.

The Canada Food Inspection Agency, known as CFIA, is promoting #PremisesIDWeek during July 25-31 to encourage producers, farmers, and operators in the Canadian livestock supply chain to participate in livestock premises identification. Authorities say traceability protects Canada's livestock industry and the public's well-being by strengthening the ability to respond quickly to disease outbreaks, food safety issues, and natural disasters.

Identifying premises for livestock operations is especially beneficial during emergencies or disease outbreaks; knowing where livestock are located and how to contact owners can reduce potential impacts and can help the industry rapidly notify registered livestock stakeholders.

CFIA is considering changes to the Health of Animals Regulations that would require all Canadian operators of premises where livestock may be loaded or unloaded from a vehicle to have a valid premises identification number for each site and to report the number when receiving livestock. The country's livestock traceability system is a collaborative effort involving federal, provincial, and territorial governments and the livestock and poultry sectors.

"Being able to trace the movement history of an animal from one point to another will strengthen Canada's ability to respond quickly to health threats and other emergencies. We encourage producers and stakeholders across the supply chain to increase participation in livestock premises identification," said Lawrence MacAulay, minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.

There are five Canadian provinces with mandatory premises identification -- Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta -- but all provinces and territories have systems in place to issue PID numbers.


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