DOL Office of Workers' Compensation Programs to Monitor Opioid Usage

The monitoring will occur under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.

DOL's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs announced it has begun implementing procedures aimed at monitoring and managing opioid prescription usage under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act.

The Compensation Act provides benefits for federal employees who sustain a workplace injury or illness. Any physician who wishes to prescribe an opioid medication must complete a Letter of medical Necessity saying they have considered other treatment options.

This process will be expanded over the next year to include individuals who are looking to fill new prescriptions for opioid medications.

“When prescribed and used appropriately, opioid drugs can provide necessary and safe pain relief to injured workers. However, opioids carry a risk of substance use disorder and accidental overdose. Due to these safety concerns, we believe these additional monitoring steps are necessary and appropriate,” said Gary A. Steinberg, deputy director of OWCP.


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