ASSE House of Delegates Endorses New Name
The proposed new logo for the society was rejected in June 19 voting, however.
DENVER — The renaming of the American Society of Safety Engineers took a major step forward on June 19 when the ASSE House of Delegates voted in favor of the new name: the American Society of Safety Professionals. The name now heads to a membership vote lasting 45 days, with ASSE members worldwide casting their votes on electronic ballots that will be tallied in early August.
The delegates voted not to adopt a new logo, preferring to stay with its traditional green shield with the gold ASSE letters within the four angles of a gold cross.
“Our members decide who we are and what we’re all about, and it’s always been that way,” said ASSE President Tom Cecich, CSP, CIH. “It seems that our delegates like the new name and feel a connection to our current logo. It’s an objective process that has made us a strong organization for many years now.”
The voting took place at the House of Delegates’ annual meeting at ASSE’s Safety 2017 Professional Development Conference & Exposition at the Colorado Convention Center. If the new name is approved in the membership vote, implementation would occur in 2018, including a new website.
“Engineers made up our entire membership when we were formed in 1911, but today the occupational safety and health profession encompasses many disciplines,” Cecich said. Research conducted in the past year with ASSE members, customers, and stakeholders indicated that an updated brand with a clearer vision would better reflect the organization’s current membership and position it for growth, as well as help to eliminate confusion about who could join the society.
More information on ASSE’s branding initiative is available at www.assp.org.