AIHA Opens Registration for Fall Conference 2017

The event takes place Oct. 30-31, 2017, at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina in Tampa, Fla, and features sessions in four tracks: Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Assessment, Emergency Response and Preparedness, Management and Leadership, and Emerging Issues and International.

The American Industrial Hygiene Association has opened registration for its Fall Conference on Leadership and Management 2017, an event taking place Oct. 30-31, 2017, at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina in Tampa, Fla. The event features numerous sessions in four tracks: Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Assessment, Emergency Response and Preparedness, Management and Leadership, and Emerging Issues and International.

AIHA opened registration as it prepares to co-host the 2017 American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition next week in Seattle. Called AIHce EXP, it is expected to attract more than 3,500 industry professionals, with many activities and the expo taking place inside the Washington State Convention Center.

​​AIHA lists eight reasons on the Fall Conference website for why industrial hygiene and occupational health professional should attend it, including the opportunity to learn about new ideas and techniques as the profession moves into the future, meeting and networking with peers, learning current strategies, and positioning yourself as an expert. "When you are active in your industry, you can develop a reputation as an expert to your peers. Those who are engaged over the long term are often asked to speak at the events, write articles for their industry publications, and often lead technical and education sessions at conferences. Like it or not, others like to associate with the experts in any industry. If your strategy is to be the best-kept secret in your business community, you will be missing a valuable opportunity."


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