National Robotics Week 2017 Under Way

Mapping, ocean and space exploration, home companionship – the 10 robots featured as National Robotics Week 2017 All-Stars can do a lot.

National Robotics Week 2017 is under way, with the April 8-16 observance featuring contests and events across the country. The 10 famed robots featured as the week's All-Stars illustrate some of the work robots are already doing: mapping, ocean and space exploration, home companionship, and more.

This year's is the eighth annual National Robotics Week. Its purpose is to celebrate U.S. leadership in robotics technology development, educate the public about robotics technology today and in the future, advocate for increased funding for robotics technology R&D, and inspire students to pursue careers in robotics and other STEM fields.

iRobot teamed up with IEEE Spectrum and the Georgia Tech Institute for Robotics & Intelligent Machines to create a set of trading cards for the All-Stars. IEEE Spectrum also offers a Robots for iPad app.


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