ASTM International to Publish Standard on Protective Coatings at Nuclear Power Plants

ASTM International member Jon Cavallo said the standard will help experts determine whether a coating system used for safety is covered by existing qualification testing or whether new testing is needed, and it will help design appropriate and cost-effective test protocols.

A new ASTM International standard, D8104, is being released soon in response to a decades-long need to enhance the safety of protective coating systems at nuclear power plants, according to the the standards organization. The new standard is D8104, Guide for Determining Coating Qualification Test Data Applicability, and was developed by ASTM International's D33 committee on protective coating and lining work for power generation facilities.

ASTM International member Jon Cavallo said the standard will help experts determine whether a coating system used for safety is covered by existing qualification testing or whether new testing is needed, and it will help design appropriate and cost-effective test protocols. "This guide has been needed since the inception of commercial nuclear power programs in the late 1960s," said Cavallo. "No comprehensive guidance for identifying specific attributes and ranges for safety-related protective coating system qualification testing existed until the approval of this standard."

Committee D33 on Protective Coating and Lining Work for Power Generation Facilities was formed in 1979. Its members meet once a year, in January, with about 40 members attending two days of technical meetings. The committee has jurisdiction over 30 standards.


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