AIHA Condemns Congress' Overturning OSHA Recordkeeping Rule

The association issued a news release after the U.S. Senate passed H.J. Res. 83, which permanently overturns OSHA's recordkeeping rule, once the president signs it.

The American Industrial Hygiene Association has issued a news release condemning the U.S. Senate action of passing H.J.Res.83, which will permanently overturn the OSHA final rule on recordkeeping of work-related injuries and illnesses.

The legislation was previously passed by the House, and now President Donald J. Trump is expected to sign it into law.

"Congress' number-one priority should be protecting the American people; unfortunately, by sending this legislation to the president, they have placed them at greater risk," said AIHA President Lawrence Sloan, CAE. "Better injury and illness recordkeeping leads to better, more targeted approaches to protecting worker health and safety. By quickly passing H.J.Res.83 with little public notice or debate, Congress missed an opportunity to fully explore the possible consequences of overturning OSHA's recordkeeping rule. AIHA agrees with the need for regulatory reform; however, we hold that it should be done in such a way that allows the public and affected stakeholders to weigh in on its development."


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