NIOSH Announces Free 2017 Screenings for Coal Miners

The screenings are part of the Coal Workers’ Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP)

NIOSH has announced a series of free, confidential health screenings for coal miners as part of the Coal Workers’ Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP). The screenings will help to detect pneumoconiosis (black lung).

The tests will be conducted via NIOSH mobile testing units at community and mine locations. This is in response to a documented increase in the disease. The first focus starts the week of March 26 and ends on April 15, 2017 and will take place in Alabama.

“The NIOSH surveillance program and access to free screenings helps recognize early disease in miners and enables those with black lung to take action to reduce their dust exposures,” said NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D. “These services, available to both underground and surface miners, help to disseminate knowledge, raise awareness, and motivate workers to participate in activities aimed at preventing the disease.”

Included in the screening will be a questionnaire, chest radiograph, respiratory assessment questionnaire, and spirometry testing.


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