Oklahoma DOL Seeks Video Contest Entries

The theme is Safety @ Peak Performance. Entries are due by April 21.

The Oklahoma Department of Labor is asking its stakeholders to submit entries in this year's video contest. The theme is Safety @ Peak Performance, and entry videos are due by April 21.

The agency says entries should be 2-3 minute videos that:

  • show best practices
  • share what works
  • inspire excellence
  • show off your creativity

Entries may be submitted on a CD, DVD, or thumb drive; entries won't be returned. They should be submitted to Safety Video Contest, 3017 N. Stiles, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK, or emailed to Christina.Foss@labor.ok.gov.

The winners will be recognized during a June 21-23 safety and health conference taking place in Norman, and winners will be contacted by May 19.


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